提問: 中英文教育是否把孩子教糊涂了?
問題補充: 我家3口,我老公是南非英國人,說英文,我說漢語,孩子到現在快18個月了,愛看書,給他講故事也不知道能不能聽懂,沒幾分鐘就開始搗亂,除了會叫媽媽還沒有說別的話,不知道是不是我們兩個人用不同的語言和他說話把孩子弄糊涂了(我們在家用英文)我擔心,以后孩子會把中英文弄混。
医师解答: Dont' worry, my husband is from USA , I am Chinese, my son is 20 months old now, he can speak both Chinese and English now.
We also speak in English at home, but if only me and son stay
together, I speak Chinese with him. 18 months old for your
child still young, when my son was 18 months old, he also can
speak a few words , but after that, we found many chinese
and English words speak out from his month. Insist to reading
for your child is important and useful for his language.